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SWATCHES | MAC Eyeshadows

MAC Eyeshadow Swatches

I love neutral eye shadows, and MAC is by far my favorite brand for them. If there's any colors you guys think I would like or that you would recommend, please leave it in the comments!

Let's get in to the swatches!

All these eye shadows, with the except of "Keep Your Cool", which is a pro longwear color, are available in the permanent line at MAC.

 Though I have seen Keep Your Cool at some MAC counters.

L to R: Malt, Naked Lunch, Quarry, Cork, Woodwinked, Satin Taupe, Keep Your Cool, Handwritten

L to R: Malt, Naked Lunch, Quarry, Cork

L to R: Woodwinked, Satin Taupe, Keep Your Cool, Handwritten

Top to Bottom: Keep Your Cool, Satin Taupe, Woodwinked

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